Nine Quarters of Jerusalem: A New Biography of the Old City
The Noble Sanctuary: A photographic and historical exploration of Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque
Shabbat Goy - A Novel
The Other Jerusalem: Rethinking the History of the Sacred City
Water The Willow Tree: Memoirs of a Bethlehem Boyhood
The Palestine-Israel Conflict: A Basic Introduction (Fourth Edition)
Hollow Land: Israel's Architecture of Occupation
Jerusalem: From the Ottomans to the British
Wujood - Guide Book
The Storyteller of Jerusalem: The Life and Times of Wasif Jawhariyyeh, 1904-1948
Jerusalem: Arab Social Life, Traditions, and Everyday Pleasures
Palestine and the Decline of the Ottoman Empire : Modernization and the Path to Palestinian Statehood
Exiled from Jerusalem: The Diaries of Hussein Fakhri al-Khalidi
A History Of Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths
A Jerusalem Anthology: Travel Writing through the Centuries
Jerusalem Stands Alone
Voices of the Nakba: A Living History of Palestine
Stories from Palestine: Narratives of Resilience
O Jerusalem
Policy of Deceit: Britain and Palestine, 1914-1939
Palestine 1936: The Great Revolt and the Roots of the Middle East Conflict
From The Holy Mountain: A Journey In The Shadow Of Byzantium
Buying Buddha, Selling Rumi: Orientalism and the Mystical Marketplace
The Lives and Deaths of Jubrail Dabdoub: Or, How the Bethlehemites Discovered Amerka
In the Shadow of the Wall: The Life and Death of Jerusalem's Maghrebi Quarter, 1187–1967
Green Almonds: Letters from Palestine
Wondrous Journeys in the Strange Land
Balcony on the Moon: Coming of Age in Palestine
Jerusalem: History of a Global City
Palestine Rising: How I survived the 1948 Deir Yasin Massacre
Jerusalem Bound: How to Be a Pilgrim in the Holy Land
Christ at the Checkpoint: Theology in the Service of Justice and Peace