Palestinian Colloquial Arabic - Beginners I & II
Let's Speak Arabic - Yallah Nihki Arabi 1
Let's Speak Arabic - Yallah Nihki Arabi 2
Colloquial Levantine Dictionary (English-Arabic)
Let's Speak Arabic - Yallah Nihki Arabi 3
A Dictionary of The Spoken Arabic of Jerusalem Qaamuus Il-Quds
Colloquial Arabic Stories - Intermediate and Advanced
Phrase Book for Spoken Arabic Ahlan Wa-Sahlan
Let's Read and Write Arabic
Spoken Arabic for Foreigners V.1
All the Small and the Big
Speaking Arabic: The Complete Spoken Palestinian Arabic Self Instruction Course
Min Taq Taq - A collection of Arabic Adioms
Arabic Visual Dictionary: A photo guide to everyday words and phrases in Arabic
Spoken Arabic for Foreigners V.2
Media Arabic for Beginners: A Coursebook for Understanding Arabic News
A Transliterated English-Arabic Pocket Dictionary of Conversational Eastern Arabic
The Queer Arab Glossary
Media Arabic: A Coursebook for Reading Arabic News
Arabic-English Dictionary: The Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic