The Noble Sanctuary: A photographic and historical exploration of Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque

Bashar Tabbah

  • 495.00 NIS
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The Noble Sanctuary

A first-of-its-kind book that explores the history and landmarks of the al-Aqsa mosque complex in Jerusalem

Taking up a significant portion of the Old City of Jerusalem, the al-Aqsa Mosque is an exceptional historical and religious complex. With the Dome of the Rock dominating a central platform, its unique architectural design and empowering golden dome is instantly recognisable the world over.

This book covers more than 120 landmarks throughout the complex via beautiful documentary photography and thoroughly researched text provided by veteran scholar Dr.Robert Schick.

Additionally, the book also provides the reader with maps and graphics to help guide their understanding of Al-Aqsa's entire compound. The graphics were hand drawn by an exceptional Spanish illustrator based out of Spain by the name of Rocío Espín Piñar.


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