The Making of Modern Zionism, Revised Edition: The Intellectual Origins of the Jewish State
Witnessing for Peace: In Jerusalem and the World
Perceptions of Palestine: Their Influence on U.S. Middle East Policy
The Case for Palestine: The perspective of an Australian observer
Protecting Jerusalem's Holy Sites: A Strategy for Negotiating a Sacred Peace
Boycott!: The Academy and Justice for Palestine
Occupied Territories: The Revolution of Love from Bethlehem to the Ends of the Earth
Jerusalem: City of Longing
Walled: Israeli Society At An Impasse
The War for Palestine: Rewriting the History of 1948
Blood Brothers: The Dramatic Story of a Palestinian Christian Working for Peace in Israel
The Future of Palestine: How Discrimination Hinders Change
Generation Palestine: Voices from the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement
Cracks in the Wall: Beyond Apartheid in Palestine/Israel
The Unchosen: The Lives of Israel's New Others
Popular Protest in Palestine: The Uncertain Future of Unarmed Resistance
Disappearing Palestine: Israel's Experiments in Human Despair
Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East
Blood and Religion: The Unmasking of the Jewish and Democratic State
Europe's Alliance with Israel: Aiding the Occupation
The Palestinian Refugee Problem: The Search for a Resolution
Compensation to Palestinian Refugees and the Search for Palestinian-Israeli Peace
The Politics of Change in Palestine: State-Building and Non-Violent Resistance
The Suppression of Guilt: The Israeli Media and the Reoccupation of the West Bank
For Zion's Sake: The Judeo-Christian Tradition in American Culture
Israel and Palestine - Out of the Ashes: The Search For Jewish Identity in the Twenty-First
The Political Economy of Israel's Occupation: Repression Beyond Exploitation
The Privatization Of Israeli Security
Beyond Occupation: Apartheid, Colonialism and International Law in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
Married to Another Man: Israel's Dilemma in Palestine
My Father Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza's Untold Story
Broken Promises, Broken Dreams: Stories of Jewish and Palestinian Trauma and Resilience