Palestine Hijacked: How Zionism Forged an Apartheid State from River to Sea
The Israel-Palestine 'conflict' is often understood to be a clash between two ethnic groups - Arabs and Jews - inhabiting the same land. What this book proves is something quite different: the violent take-over of Palestine by a European racial-nationalist settler movement, Zionism, using terror to assert by force a claim to the land that has no legal or moral basis. Thomas Suarez' shocking account details a litany of Zionist terrorist acts against anyone in their way - the indigenous Palestinians, the British who had helped establish Zionism, and against Jews who disagreed with the Zionist agenda, carried out or supported by the same leaders who then established and led the Israeli state. Suarez has uncovered documents in the British state archives, many revealed here for the first time - secret internal papers of terrorists' own accounts boasting of their successes, contemporary intelligence briefings, secret diplomatic correspondence and British CID reports - which establish beyond doubt that far from being isolated atrocities by rogue groups, the use of terror to acquire and keep Palestine for the Zionists was deliberate and sustained. It is a story that continues today with the violence employed by Israel to sustain its regime of Apartheid against the Palestinians and continued expropriation of their country.
"[B]elongs in the top 5 most invaluable books on the history of modern Palestine ... [it] is Palestine's Yad Vashem." --Dr. Vacy Vlazna, Countercurrents
"It proves beyond doubt that Israel is not the perpetual victim of Arab violence that it claims to be, but has been the aggressor throughout the history of the conflict." --Dr. David Gerald Fincham, Mondoweiss